A Journey of Connection

Pre-requisitite: Senior Practitioner

We have created this week retreat to walk together the path of CONNECTION. You will connect with your body & breath, with your heart, with the mission of your soul, with the kindness of human nature, with the power of compassion, and the beauty of being human. Join us to be inspired and to grow together with like-minded friends from around the world! We invite participants to a week of detox for body and mind by creating a supportive space together with our friends from House of Light and Yair Sagy who is joining us every year to facilitate an energy workshop.

NeuroMindfulness® Retreat is for you if:

  • You want to clarify your life purpose, values and vision

  • You empower yourself to design the life you want, and create daily practices that will support you in reaching your goals and living your dreams

  • You are ready to optimise your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing in order to live with more joy and vitality

  • You are a leader, coach, consultant who wants to experiment and enrich your approach with neuroscience and embodied practices

  • Deepen your spiritual journey for more meaning, peace and connection

2023 NeuroMindfulness® Retreat

  • Balance

    This retreat is a place to slow down, reflect on where you are in your life, consciously decide where you want to go next, and connect with like-minded people. The retreat experience will be focused on processing the events happened over the last 2 years, creating a space of healing, integrating the learnings and getting back to balance.

  • Togetherness

    There is something magical happening when we experience the pure presence of another human being. This retreat will combine neuroscience insights, meditation, yoga and life story sharing moments to inspire you to build a deeper connection with yourself and with others. Leave your work, your parents, your kids, your worries home and come.

  • NMCC Community

    In 2020, we launched the NeuroMindfulness Coach Certification program. A year and a half after, we have over 450+ leaders & facilitators from 45 countries who joined the journey. Our intention is to bring this community closer to learn and grow together. This retreat is dedicated to senior practitioners, if you didn't go through the first 2 modules, contact us to share more about the steps.

What is included

From the moment you arrive at the stunning location, to the moment you leave, we take care of everything together with our local partners: Ceri, Adrian, Sally, Yair and Ziza! The retreat cost varies depending on the type of accommodation you choose, prices are between 2.000 euro (double) and 2.500 euro (single)

  • Villa accommodation or Mongolian Yurt for 6 nights

  • Vegetarian gourmet breakfast, lunch, dinner, healthy snacks

  • Vegetarian cooking workshop with our host Ceri

  • Chakras and energy workshop with Yair Saggy

  • 1 to1 energy treatment with Yair or Ziza

  • Use of the estate premises (hiking trails, pool etc.)

  • Yoga equipment (yoga blocks, straps, mats, blankets)

  • Daily Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Daily NeuroMindfulness Workshop, Mindful Connection

  • Access to the online course The Neuroscience of Breathing

  • Follow-up coaching session with Veronica or Arnaud 3 months after the retreat


Ioana Jongsma | TEDx & Public Speaking Coach @speaker.coaching.diaries

Master Practitioner Retreat 2022

I participated in the Neuromindfulness Master Practitioner retreat in April 2022. The masters, however, are Veronica and Arnaud, who were able to facilitate the most complete learning experience I have ever had. From knowledge to skills to presence, this retreat has transformed me as a person and as a professional. I got to meet some wonderful people, the other participants, who played an important role in this transformation as well. And I got to meet myself in several new ways. The location, House of Light, was simply gorgeous - as was the (vegetarian!) food.

Oksana Staniszewska, Global HRD

Executive Retreat 2018

There are moments in life, some wise people call them “black swan” moments, where the timing, energy, wisdom come together and touch your heart/mind/soul to leave the imprint forever... that’s how I recollect and see Neuromindfulness retreat! Veronica and Arnaud brought their best selves - impressive neuroscience knowledge, genuine care, loving kindness, authentic leadership and much more intangible assets - to immerse me with fellow program participants into what really matters in life. What stays vividly in memory every time I close my eyes to relive the joy of safe, friendly, caring atmosphere, feeling of connectivity and will to share, gratitude for being listened to. It has been a transformative experience for me.

Cindy Thomas, Global HRD

Executive Retreat 2018

The NeuroMindfulness Exec. Retreat was magnificent! It helped me reset my life at just the right time! it provided me with enough space, time and tools to plan and start implementing a more balanced approached to my whole life. It all supported me immensely on my life journey!

Paul Olteanu, Master Trainer & Executive Coach, Founder @ MindArchitect

Executive Retreat 2018

The main benefits for me were: rediscovering what life is about, connecting to my body and the less cognitive sides of myself, spending time with amazing and inspiring people. I couldn't have asked for a better first time retreat. Thank you so much!

Alecsandra Litu, Consultant | Trainer | Coach

NeuroMindfulness Retreat 2019

I loved the fact that I had this space for connection and self-reflexion. I had lots of "a-ha(s)", and truly enjoyed the process. It felt like both of you deeply cared about us and were around us because it mattered what you were doing. The meaning showed.

Carmen Sidon, Transformational Coach

NeuroMindfulness Retreat 2019

I love your energy, as facilitators and as a couple. I like your authenticity, openness and balance. You are an inspiration! Also, the combination of location, content, food and the group is amazing and healing. You are doing a wonderful job. Thank you for everything.

Retreat location


We organise our retreats in a magical space, with a gorgeous view on the Alpujarras mountains - House of Light. Our meaningful partnership with Adrian and Ceri, the creators of this wonderful space, helps us facilitate deep transformation. And the vegetarian chef promised next time to share the secrets with us :).
Outdoor spaces House of Light


Veronica Brejan & Arnaud Complainville

Our mission is to inspire leaders to raise their level of consciousness and make a positive difference in the world. Our values are freedom, growth, fun, joy and making a difference. Together we have 40 years of international business experience within ten organisations (BCG, KPMG, Vodafone, Cargill, Alstom, Yum!Brands, CNRS, LFB etc.). Top tier education in science, business and coaching: 1 PhD in Biology, 2 MBAs, ICF Coaching Certification, Evolutionary Coaching, Transpersonal Coaching, NLP & Time Line Therapy and Hypnosis, Positive Psychology, Leading with Heart Master Practitioner. We are both certified yoga teachers (International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre) and enjoy mindfulness, travelling the world, nature hikes and mindful living.
Veronica Brejan | Arnaud Complainville

Cannot join in July?

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